Tuesday, December 14, 2021


This project made me look more into the University of Georgia and realize how much I really want to go there. The town is beautiful, they have my major, and it's just my dream school. I've been working hard and trying to keep my grades and GPA up in order to get accepted. I have my GPA together, but I need to get my sat and act together. I have an 1100 but the usual uga freshmen had a 1300. I just need to do better on my math and reading. With practice and studying, I should get better. I'm going to apply for scholarships and stuff and start applying next semester after I take my sat which I will be scheduling soon.

Monday, December 13, 2021


 Today we had a lecture about the project and jobs. It wasn't really a lecture, but we sat there and listened for almost 90 minutes straight. I listened, but I sat and did the worksheet while listening. I know as soon as I get home, I'll crash. Therefore, I just tried to get as much of it done as I can. It's pretty simple. So I should be done with the project soon and get my free one-hundred. That's one less final I have to worry about.

Friday, December 10, 2021


 Everybody was sleeping today. I think we were all tried from testing, practice, and working. I know I was. I'm usually awake and energetic, but I had to take a nap today. I was working on my project, and I finished my research paper. I'm excited for Saturday. It's the championship, and I am preforming at half-time. We each get a solo. It should be fun, and I hope I don't mess up.

Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Today we played hangman. It was fun. I'm really bad at guessing words though. Guessing the words and phrases were funny. Waiting in second period all day was something else. We had Mr. Russel as our teacher, and that man is really a character. He was sleeping the whole time, and I had to go to the bathroom. I just walked out, went, and came back. It was very weird.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Today was basic. I didn't have to take any more tests, so we just chilled out in the rest of our classes. They only thing that I'm worried about are finals. I'm not so stressed about everything else but pre-cal. Math is not my strong suit, and it is my lowest grade right now. I can easily write an essay, but I can barely add 2+2. It's a mess really lmaoo. I have faith though that I'll end my semester with all a's. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Section two and three

 I'm really good at writing narratives, so when I got one on my test, I was happy. The questions were a bit more difficult considering they were all reading comprehension. The problem is I can't read or comprehend. I'm just kidding lmaoo. I just need to do more practice. Maybe I'll go on Khan Academy or something. I don't know. I'll figure something out. Testing wasn't even that bad. I guess I'm just so used to taking tests now. That is kind of sad, but oh well. It doesn't matter as long as I get good grades on everything. :)

Monday, December 6, 2021

217 Questions

Half of the class was gone again today. We did a question and answer activity. I liked it. Me being me, I like to talk, so I was answering all of the questions. The testing wasn't that bad for me. I got an argumentative essay, so I just remembered all I had been taught. Apparently, I can't talk about the actual test material, but I'll say that those questions were easy. Then again, I always think they're easy and then boom... a 66. :). But I should be fine. I always do good on these standardized tests because I know they count a lot. 

Friday, December 3, 2021


 Half of the class was gone today because Mr. Rease said we weren't going to do anything. We just did some EOC review. If we did it, then we got extra points to our grade. All of my grades are pretty good. After the points, I got a 97 overall in the class. I want to keep high grades in my class in order to have a cushion just in case I don't do good on an eoc or a final.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Idk how to write an obituary

 I mean, I don't think the obituary was supposed to be a serious essay. I didn't write it all formal how an essay would be. I just wrote it how one would when they were talking about someone else's life. I had an introduction, body, and conclusion. I did pretty good on everything else. This one was easier than the other ones. They asked very simple questions. It's not like I'm complaining though. Those other benchmark questions go straight over my head.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Mark Twain

 Today we took a benchmark. I didn't even know we were taking one. I walked in, and I saw the code on the board. This one was easier though. Mark Twain's life was really sad though. Everybody around him died. He was considered a very funny person though. However, humor back then was totally different than it is now though. I have a theory. I believe he used humor to cope with his dark and sad life. It's okay. I do that too lmaoo.

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...