Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 The test we took today was easy. I found it pretty easy to write the essay than it was in the beginning. I had a few spelling errors, but illuminate doesn't give you the red line. I think I did pretty well though. However, I didn't have a counter-argument. I should do one next time, but I am lucky that I was able to finish the entire thing.

Monday, March 28, 2022


 Today's lesson wasn't bad. Using the current events and watching the videos was funny. I've also learned that I don't really like Kat Williams. His comedy style isn't very interesting. Also, he looks really old now. And kind of dingy... Anyways, I just got the notification that I got a 66 on my last science test. Oh well, my grade is an 87 which isn't the worst it's been. I just have to do good on this next project and I should be fine.

Friday, March 25, 2022


 I did my essay this morning for APUSH, and I don't think I did as well as I usually would have. I just didn't feel too good today. I just did my best and turned it in. I hope I did good on the test, but I felt so off doing the whole thing. Thankfully though, our math test got pushed to Monday instead of today. That gives me more time to prepare. I got a 93 on the test for Rease, but it didn't make sense because 13 and 15 were the same question, but I got 15 wrong and 13 right... But i digress.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Unpopular Opinions Pt 2

Coming up with unpopular opinions is hard. I thought I had some in my head, but it turns out that they were more popular than unpopular. I could've been really controversial, but I had to remember where I was at. I liked mine though. Mental health is slowly becoming a trend. It's seen as cool to have an illness... As somebody who has first hand experience with that, it's not cool or funny at all. Anyways, I always get tired in that class because it's so cold in there. I be ready to curl up like a cat in fall asleep. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

2nd period

 I feel like my grade goes up and down in that class. I do well on mostly all assignments, and I'm finally catching up with my late work in 3rd block. It's funny that I find math way easier than science at this point. It's kind of sad. Then again, I do want to be a Marine Biologist... I can do it though. I believe in myself. If I can pass 2nd period with an A, I can do anything. All it is doing is getting me ready for college, and T Smith is like a whole college professor. 

Monday, March 21, 2022


 I wasn't at school today because I was having asthma flareups. I had to have a doctor call in order to get some medicine. I took a covid test and everything, so it's not that. However, I have a constant cough that makes me a bit self-conscious. As long as I take my pump on time, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Formal and Informal Logic

 Today we didn't do much. We just took some notes and answered some questions. Some people thought we had to write out explanations, but we didn't. I should be going out as a late celebration for my birthday tomorrow. I'm going to go buy a board game and some makeup. Nothing special. I also really want starbucks.

Thursday, March 17, 2022


 Every time we said a stereotype/generalization, Mr. Rease would argue with us. It was kind of funny. We had to think of them, and I guess he thought that we thought they were real. We didn't though. He told us to make them up, so we did. I said that black people can't grow naturally long hair which i have seen a lot of people say. Our hair can be very long, but we have different types of hair textures. Plus, we also get shrinkage. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 We read the book and took more notes. It's not the most interesting thing, but I think that this will be very good with writing anything argumentative. I've been feeling more sick lately, but it's been like this since my birthday (March 6th). It's weird because that was the day after my grandfather went to the hospital. What he has isn't contagious though, but still I hope I get better soon. It's just a lot of mucus in my chest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 Today in class, we took notes from a book that told us how to argue. I think we really needed this because people don't know how to effectively get their point across without yelling. On the other hand, I think we really need a debate team. I would love that in all honesty. Because here, I don't argue with people who yell. It just makes you look ignorant.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Don't Say Gay

 I liked their presentation the best (Don't Say Gay) because it was around a taboo topic. It also generated a lot of conversation. However, I think people were getting a little too heated with it. I wasn't for the bill, but I did see why people would want it passed. What would've been better if we could actually talk to each other like people. I liked how they presented their information and how they explained it. It was an interesting topic, and I would like to have had it.

Thursday, March 10, 2022


 There was so much going on today... Like, I don't know what they put in the water, but they need to stop. People were fighting, and then those three girls in the cafeteria were just embarrassing. I'm sitting there like oh, okay... I always mind my own business though. I'm too pretty for all of that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

no chipotle

This girl said she couldn't bring no Chipotle today... I know she lied. Anyways, this group project is going to be interesting. All of them said they weren't going to be there on the day we have to present, so that's great. And those slides... I gotta make them look prettier another time as I always do.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

2nd period

Second period is so rough man, but my grades are going up though which is great. It's like we take a test every other day. Also, those math Mondays are really bad. That group project we got isn't giving. What it is giving is I don't even know if we're going to get a good grade on this because somebody doesn't do any work. 

Monday, March 7, 2022


 Ubers suck. Anyways, yesterday was my birthday. It was horrible. My uncle was micro managing everything... Then, he said I was ruining everything. Lazaria was the only thing keeping me sane at that point. Luckily, I didn't have a breakdown. I called my papa so quick and stated ranting. 

Friday, March 4, 2022


Today was something. My papa was sick and had a fainting accident, so we had to get him to the hospital. Old people man.... Considering I live with them, it's even scarier. Like hey, don't reach your expiration date now man. At least give me a year or two. And it was right before my birthday.  Then I was freaking out.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

that essay

After reviewing my rhetorical analysis essay and score, I need to work on finishing on time, explaining, expanding on my commentary, finding better explanations, and having better word choice.. I tend to repeat this shows because that's what I learned back in middle school. Therefore, it's a bad habit I have to shake. I also need to make more time to do my conclusion paragraph. If i would have finished, then I would have gotten that 7. I'm not upset, just a little hurt that I didn't do better because I knew I should have. There is always next time, and I did good for my first time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

yellow wallpaper questions

These twenty questions be so hard to stay awake for. I mean, I participate to stay alert, but it's really hard. It's easier when we do them all together because I can just copy the answers from what everybody else says. Ria threw me for a loop though with the big words. I had to turn around like huh? What you say? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

yellow wallpaper

 It was Myriel's birthday today. Also, that story we read put me to sleep. I tried to stay awake, but I just couldn't. 4th block just knocks me out. The story was just really snoozing. That movie though was bad. I can tell that budget was very low. The girl's acting was sus. I wonder what we're going to do next though. 

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...