Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Defend or Challenge

Today we practiced choosing a side in an argumentative essay, making claims, and finding evidence. This was okay. I didn't exactly know what I was doing until the last minute because the prompt was weird. I think I'm going to change to challenging because I started to think of more points that go with that such as they could offend and hurt many people with their jokes, or sometimes they go to far with certain subject matter.

Monday, August 30, 2021


 Today I learned about the different claims if an argumentative essay. Some claims have facts and others are about what is right or wrong. Claims are supposed to be arguable because in an argumentative essay, you are supposed to be argue your point. I wonder what prompt our essays will be. I like arguing, so I think that doing essays like these would be okay.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Argument practice

 We learned the components of an argument essay. I liked the lesson with the court case because it was somewhat fun. I like stuff like that: crimes and stuff. Not committing them, but solving mysteries... I think that learning how to do these essays properly won't be too hard. I like writing, but I like expository better. Writing fiction is more fun. We have our first game today, and I am somewhat nervous. I think I'll be fine though.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Place Matters

 Today, I learned about the rhetoric of place. It is about how a place where the message is given affects how the message is received. My homework was used as an example today. It was a little weird because I was being extra with my work. I don't like how when the class talks, everybody gets homework or an extra assignment... but I guess that's just how it goes. Tomorrow should be better. If it isn't, I don't know what else to say.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 I learned how to use crisis rhetoric and the components of an argument. We did the same thing today: sit and listen to him talk. It's a little hard to be engaged when it's the same thing everyday. However, I do pay attention and take my notes and stuff, but it's a lot 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Today we learned about rhetorical analysis. Ethos, logos, and pathos are how you appeal to people when trying to argue your point. They are useful if you want to write a successful argumentative paper. We also took a pop quiz, and it was simple. I got a high grade on it. 

Monday, August 23, 2021


 Today we learned about rhetorical situations. It was an okay class. I liked taking notes on Chromebook better than paper because it's faster and easier. I just hope we get to do something different than lectures. I understand everything pretty well, so that's good. Also, doing this blog in class is better than doing it at home because I don't have to worry about it.

Friday, August 20, 2021


Today we got out Chromebooks. They're new, so that's nice. I have a quiz to study for in math, so I'll study over the weekend. The presentations today were nice. I liked the drawings. I have to get my life together over the weekend. I'll be ready for the week if I just get my life together. Bye~

Thursday, August 19, 2021


 The presentations weren't that bad today, but they could've been better. My group was okay, but I feel like we could've done more. I learned more about Langston Hughes today. Today I bought led lights and put them up in my room. They're pretty and my favorite color to put on is red. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 I really didn't like the group I was in. I did all of my work and helped, but I would rather be in a different group. I've noticed that we mostly do Langston Hughes' poems. I guess he likes him a lot. It was easy to analyze the poem because of all of the practice we've done. I kind of like it because I look at it like solving a riddle. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Today's class wasn't so bad. I actually enjoyed the lesson, and there wasn't a lot of arguing. We analyzed two poems. I learned how to read it between the lines and figure out the meaning of each stanza. I also learned that the first thing you do is analyze the title of a poem. I also danced at the memorial of Mr. Wright today. It wasn't too bad either.

Monday, August 16, 2021


 I enjoyed today's class. I thought the poem was nice, and I enjoyed breaking it down and finding the meaning. I didn't like moving seats though. The start of the unit wasn't very hard, and I hope it stays simple. Then again, it may get hard out of nowhere.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Testing Day

 Today was filled with testing. I think I did pretty good on the pre-test, but that short answer response wasn't the best. I knew how to answer it, but I couldn't get the words out. The vocabulary test wasn't that hard either. I just hated taking the test on illuminate and would much rather test on paper. Testing on paper is better when we don't have Chromebooks. At least, in my opinion.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Today wasn't that bad. We learned about formal language and reading with a purpose. I liked to story we read because it was interesting. The class itself was pretty decent. I just sit in the back and do my work as usual. I want to get into reading some bigger stories soon, so I hope we do that. Hopefully I pass this vocabulary test tomorrow. Oh, and I posted my blog on time. I call that self-improvement.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 Today in class we read a poem about Satan and answered some questions. It was okay. I paid attention, but I find the lessons to be somewhat boring at times. I wonder when we're truly going to get into learning content. I need to stop taking naps and waking up late. It's getting annoying. Hopefully tomorrow I do better. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 In class, I learned about the process of elimination. It wasn't hard, and I kinda knew how to do it already. I guess it was a good lesson for people who didn't know how to do it. The class was bearable. I had a pretty good day overall. I just need to remember to do certain things before I go to bed. Since I have practice, I get tired and fall asleep as soon as I get home. I need to stop doing that. I am trying though. :)

Monday, August 9, 2021


 My name is Miracle Jerome! I am sixteen, and my birthday is in March. I am a pisces. Words people would use to describe me are goofy, caring, creative, and smart. I would also describe myself as hardworking and determined due to how I have reacted to many situations in my life. My hobbies include dancing, writing, watching shows, and doing makeup. I don't like when others are rude or break promises, but I love when people are open-minded. My expectations for the school year is to keep my grades up and open up socially. That is it about me. Until next time! :)

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...