Monday, February 28, 2022


 That man we went to was funny. It was a 10th grade English class, but I saw people who were in my grade in there. I don't judge, but come on now... I've never even heard of this man before. It was my first time seeing him. His accent was also kind of thick. I'm gonna stop talking about people now. I almost didn't make it because I thought we had a sub, so I went to the bathroom before class. Then I get to the door and see we have to go to another class... SO I dashed down there.

Friday, February 25, 2022


 I preformed at all four lunches today, and I really didn't go to any classes. It was a Friday, though, so I didn't have anything to do. I missed one math test, but I should be okay. It will just give me extra time to study. School is so hard, and its 99999999999% tests. Hate that. Hopefully college will be easier because I'm already used to a hard course load. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 We did some questions on fences. There were a lot. It was twenty questions, but they were interesting. I answered them easily, and it's fun to hear how a lot of people have different answers. We answered all of those questions together. Luckily, this meant that we took this today, so we didn't have to do a test tomorrow. Which is great because I have a performance.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 We got the text that we read from yesterday back and reviewed our summaries for it. The questions weren't that hard once we broke them down. I always have a hard time comprehending those questions because they're worded so weirdly. However, when you break the questions down then they get easier to understand and answer. I always do good on those types of tests though. Writing and Reading are my strong suit. Math however....

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Multiple Choice

 Today we did an activity in groups. We had to describe some characters from Fences. I think we did pretty good. I really do think Cory is insecure because he keeps asking his dad if he likes him. Also, Rose is domesticated... She always cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids. I mean Troy works, but still... It wouldn't hurt for him to pick up a dang broom.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

movie clips

 Looking at Troy through the movie made me like him a bit more/ Maybe it's just Denzel's interpretation. Viola also gives Rose a little more umph. That's good though.. However, I still think that Troy could be a little more respectful towards her. it's not as bad as the book made it seem. Also, he's not that bad of a dather. Seeing his character come to life gave him more human qualities. When we were reading, we made him sound so serious and gloomy. Denzel made him seem like a very funny yet stern man. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

That Backstory

 Troy's dad deserves the hottest cell in hell. I mean, what he did to that girl was sickening. Troy is doing his best as he came from that family. However, this does not excuse his bad deeds. Cheating on his wife, almost fighting his own son, hurting his wife. It's giving he's really inheriting his father's traits. I wonder where all of those other children are, and I hope that the girl is okay. Well, as okay as she can be. Sigh... I hope Troy gets a good lesson. I also feels like he favors the daughter over his sons. That's just me though.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Troy is a bad father...

 I think Troy needs to get a grip on parenting. He keeps trying to hold Cory back from his dream. I understand that it's because he didn't do good in sports, but that was a while ago. I believe if he actually supported his son then they would have a better relationship. Also, Rose needs to stick up for her son more. She's so timid. I would've signed those papers myself. She is his parent as well. Cory should play football and get a chance at free schooling. It's not going to hurt anybody...but troy.

Monday, February 14, 2022

I do not like Troy or Rose or Bono

 I just feel like Rose needed to stand up for herself. I understand at that time that women were meant to be submissive to their husbands, but why? Maybe it's just me, but I would've snatched Troy's lips off of his mouth before I let him talk to me like that. And then he's going to go and cheat on her! I would've been in prison for murder. I think Rose needs a good talking to because why is she letting this thing called a man do her like that.

Friday, February 11, 2022


I got really far into my essay. I went all the way to the conclusion paragraph before I ran out of time. I really need to study more rhetorical devices and work on my explanations. Anyways, I got a 100 on my math test and a 70 on my science test. It's really giving APES is my hardest class. I think I'm okay with getting a b in this class only because it is a difficult senior class, and I am a junior. When I get in college, I just want my degree. I don't care about my grades if I'm passing and understand the material. As long as I get my degree, I get a job. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Reflecting on that presentation...

 That presentation was a mess. I'm not good when it comes to working in groups. I mean, I'll do it for a grade, but I don't like working with other people. Unless it's my friends. I'm not too picky though because in college, and in life, I'm going to have to work with people I don't really know or like. Well, not if i become a housewife. Just kidding... maybe. I couldn't truly be a housewife though. I need extra money, so I guess I'll have a career. I'd be a marine biologist and write young-adult fiction on the side. That'd be a nice career.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 Those commercials were interesting. I think that PC is better than mac thought because I mainly play games, and it's better gaming on there. However, I got an IMac for Christmas, and it's pretty okay. The commercials were kind of funny too. They were just so old. The Mac person looked like Jerry Trainer from Icarly. I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult. It's very obvious that they were bias towards Mac and wanted people to buy macs more.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

About that last blog...

 Okay, so I was a little butt hurt in my last one, but it's okay. Anyways. I got a cavity filled today, and it sucked. That dentist was all on my mouth, and I did not enjoy it. I had a lady dentist who was nice, but this man dentist was just butt on a stick. I'm okay though. The pain wore off, and I ate chicken. I like chicken. It's still sensitive though. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

I'm over it

 I asked before twenty-twenty... That's that stuff right there. I never ask to go in this class, and this is the treatment I get. Today we analyzed a eulogy speech by Margaret Thatcher. Also, I didn't even know that Iraq had a full on war. I had to use the bathroom so bad, and he didn't even let me go. He obviously just didn't want me to go. I would've came back. How is it too late? 2:30 is before 2:40. When 2:40 hits then it is twenty-twenty. I'm really upset about this. It's giving special treatment. That really made me mad. This whole blog is about how I have been wronged today... WRONGED. anyways,,, I'm still upset.

Friday, February 4, 2022



This is what we did in class today. We watched and read Dear Basketball by Kobe Bryant and filed out a worksheet 

Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Anyways, I was so tired in class that I kept nodding off. I got my work done though, but listening to him talk after I just ate all of that food made me so sleepy. The poem could have many interpretations though. It's really up to you how you interpret something. Anyways, I was texting Mia and like, Almond milk does taste like milk. I haven't had milk in a long time though. Maybe that's why. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 That debate in class made literally no sense. Ria really just kept running her mouth. She said these big words like they made her sound smarter when her one point was: Black History Month is unnecessary. Black history is not for African culture. It's for appreciating black culture, so I don't understand her animosity towards the month. Other cultures and races have their own weeks, days, and months. I think she has some type of internalized racism. That's just me though...

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 SO. I went to the doctor. It was traumatizing, but I have to go back for a physical soon. Then I have a dentists appointment. I have too many health appointments at this point. In 4th block we played card games. Mia and Ria kept arguing which was funny. I also won a blow pop because I won Blackjack. It was a fun day. I don't really like Ms. Fraiser though. The way she talks to people irks me. 

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...