Friday, April 29, 2022

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write that essay in fourth block because I would've bombed it for real. I should do good on it when I'm not brain-fried.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

fire and honors

 We couldn't finish our exam in ap stats because of the thing that happened today. Apparently, two girls fought and the fire extinguisher just so happened to explode. We then had to evacuate. I was doing good on my questions too, but oh well. All of us thought it was a drill until we saw all of the smoke. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 They were testing today, so we had to stay in 2nd block for 2 periods. It wasn't that bad. We reviewed our exam, and I got half of the questions right which would equate to a 3. However, I just hope that I don't crack under pressure on the test and freeze up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

ap exams

Preparing for my ap exams is becoming very tiring. I'm tired of doing math, and that is all I seem to do. However, I know if I pass then I get college credit. Hopefully, I pass with all of this preparing I'm doing. I only have to study so hard for stats because I'm not that good at math.

Monday, April 25, 2022


 All we did today was answer those flash card questions. I rarely ever answer because I don't really need the points, but it is fun trying to answer the question first. Then, he spun a wheel. Ten people who were chosen did not have to their blogs for the month, but I wasn't chosen. Therefore, I have to do my blogs this week.

Friday, April 22, 2022


 Today we went through the sources we were given and constructed a body paragraph. I think the synthesis essay is going to be the easiest because we're given evidence. We just have to make our argument based on what evidence they give us the most. I should be fine. I feel like I can easily pass this exam because I'm better at writing than I am at science or math.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Today we passed a source and were told to evaluate it. Mine was supporting that fact that background checks should be taken by college admission peoples and employers. I support it as well because companies should check who they're letting into their company. It would be bad if they accept someone with a past of racist remarks and then are judged because they didn't check them properly. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Extra Credit

 We did an assignment where we answered questions for extra credit points. I wasn't really participating because I didn't need the points. I also donated them to Alyssa because lord knows that she needs them. I got six points for myself though which wasn't that bad. However, those tips weren't that useful. I'll keep them in mind though.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 So, I'm not proud of it, but I did fall asleep this time. I was just so tired, and I did a lot that day. Plus my allergy medicine was kicking in. From what I did hear, he was teaching about space and stuff. Not that it didn't matter, but I just couldn't stay awake for it. From what I heard from other people, it seemed he kept getting off topic.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Brain Hacking

 We did an assignment about technology and how it can rot your brain and what not. We then got on illuminate which we've been doing a lot of lately. The lesson wasn't too terrible. I think that practicing the multiple choice everyday will benefit us in the future with passing stuff (not just the AP exam). However, I wish we could do something a bit different. I can tell we probably aren't though.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Last Day

 We worked more in multiple choices today. We were given science passage about the importance of studying life on earth rather than focusing on space. I do think this is important because we need to know who we're living with on the planet. Many creatures help us, and if we lose our knowledge about them then we would lose the benefits we gain from them.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Multiple Choice

 I think I'm good when it comes to multiple choice only if I pace myself and understand it. The only question that got me was the vocabulary question. Everything else was typically easy for me. When I start to rush is when I get more questions wrong. Maybe the passage was easier than most of them were. However, I think it would be difficult for those who weren't able to understand the wording of the passage. other than that, I think I'm fine.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Multiple Choice

 We did a class activity today. We read a passage and answered some questions together. I only got one question wrong because I didn't exactly know the vocabulary. What even does exasperated mean? I guess I have to expand it so I can understand questions like these better. The process of elimination was easier than it seemed at first. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


He wasn't here today, so we just went to Frazier. She always has an attitude, but she's okay I guess. Practice was a lot today. We dropped a lot because people couldn't get it right. It seems like they don't understand simple concepts. Oh well, they'll understand it more later I hope.

Monday, April 11, 2022

I need another day

The first day back wasn't so terrible. I didn't feel like doing anything else though, so I didn't. I watched an anime in first block in order to prepare myself for the rigor of the rest of the day. Also, dance practice started, and I am extremely tired. We ran, but we didn't do as much as we usually do. I'm guessing it's because we're trying to condition the new girls I'm guessing the soreness will set in once I wake up in the morning.

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...