Thursday, October 28, 2021

Wild Assignments

When he handed out our roles for class today, I didn't like the one I got. I switched with Mia, and I got one that was more easier for me. I think I'm pretty good at anything with vocabulary. I finished pretty quickly, and I came to the realization that there are a lot of words I don't know. Anyways, tomorrow, I should be skipping 3rd period due to a performance. It's good, though. I don't like math anyways.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

One Pager

 This is my one Pager for Tracks Chapter five from wild by Cheryl strayed.

Monday, October 25, 2021


 We read over our answers to the questions we got for the chapter quiz. I did pretty good, and I turned them in on time. I felt pretty sleepy during this time. I didn't get that much sleep last night, so I felt pretty sluggish. I've been up since five, and I had a performance this morning. It all led to me passing out at practice. I'm okay now, but I think I just need to finish my homework and rest.

Friday, October 22, 2021


 I wasn't in class today because I had some stuff dealing with dance. I know I missed my presentation, but I did give Mia my paper just in case. That was smart, haha. I danced at the game as well. It was so cold, and it was raining. I kind of got irritated because the leader just didn't want to use those ponchos. Common sense is not common. It's very, very, lacking.

Informational Text Reading

Today we read "More Than a Walk in the Wilderness." It is about a couple who talks about their experience and knowledge about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


 Today in class we just found sources. I found five more in class. However, I was very tired. I took a power nap, and then I was good to go. It's no use to work and your eyes are drooping every two seconds. I finished my part of the project though. It wasn't that hard. I knew I had to get it done for the grade, so I just focused on it and did it. I think my sources are pretty good. I focused more on articles and journals since i knew my group was having a hard time finding those. I just searched around and even went to the second page of google. Shocking, I know.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


I've been working, and I found a couple of more sources. I should have ten by the time it's due. It is not entirely difficult if you just focus on it. It's just that you have to narrow down on your sources. They have to be from a certain time and country. I found a lot from Asia, but I can't use those. I just have to find sources that support both sides. Since I have to be more open in my blogs, I'll talk about my day I guess. My friends weren't really here today, so I just sat quiet. I did talk Mia's ear off in third period. I talked so much I made my own self tired. I love talking to people who don't talk back and just listen. Maybe that's not much of a good thing, but oh well. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Gender Roles and Things

Mr. Rease is a very special person. That's all I'm going to say about him. My opinions are very different from his. I am a strong advocate for breaking gender roles and accepting people for who they are. I thought the lesson was good though. It was just very... I don't even know how to describe it. That's all for today. I literally have no comment.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Chapter Quiz

 We took a chapter one quiz today. I didn't do as good as I thought it did. It was decent though. Now I have to work on my sources for my project. That part shouldn't be too hard if I just work on it and focus. My group isn't that bad at working. I don't doubt that we will get it done on time. 

Friday, October 15, 2021


 Today I wasn't at school. I had to go to my mom's funeral, so I was out the whole day. I did dance at the game though, but I didn't do the half-time show. I didn't even think about school the whole day, and I hate missing school. It was a good service though. However, one of my teachers marked one of my assignments missing which kind of ruined my day. lol. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Chapter Two

 Reading chapter two of the story made me feel really bad for Cheryl. She went through a lot. I know drugs is sometimes easy for people to turn to in time of need. However, it isn't easy to get sober. Some people are lucky and can go into recovery. Other people aren't. The book had me very interested, and I'm excited to see what's next.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Chapter One

 Reading chapter one of Wild was very sad. You can really tell how the author was going through a hard time when her mother died, even before then. She had such a strong connection with her mom, and I know losing her was very hard. I can relate to it because my mom's funeral is on Friday. Although I wasn't that close to her, it still hurt. I am excited to read the rest of the book because it's interesting, and I want to see how she carries on with her life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 Today we learned how to find our sources and cite them. He showed us different websites that we could use to site things. For our sources, we need ten: five opposing and five supporting. I think finding them should be easy. However, gathering them and citing them proves to be a difficult task. Using the websites he showed us should make everything easier. Hopefully, it isn't that hard to finish this step.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Make up day

 Today we did some prompts for the blogs we didn't do. I found that doing them was easy. Maybe I just had a lot to say. Moses said I was doing all of the sad prompts, but I mean... Happy prompts are harder to do because happy moments are very, very, scarce. However, I did six of them easily, and hopefully I get the points for them. Yay.

Write about something you have too much of...

 I have too much makeup. I constantly buy some from stores, and they just sit in my little beauty box... untouched. I think it's an addiction... The amount of unopened eye shadow pallets I have is not healthy. I've stopped ever since school started. However, I just order some more makeup brushes. Now, I have to order another makeup bag because I have to many brushes. Mind you, I just ordered some more. Maybe I need makeup rehab... 

Write about something you are certain of...

 I am very certain that I am a good friend. I am dependable, loyal, and I give good advice. Many people overlook the fact that having me as a friend is a blessing. I am always there for my friends no matter what. My advice is top tier. I can always assess situations and make sure I lead my friends on the right path. Another thing I am certain of is that I give good advice (as you can see...).

Write about when you knew something was over...

 I knew my friendship was over with her when she began to get distant. She wouldn't answer my texts or calls like she used to. She didn't even check up on me anymore. She was like a sister to me. Since i never had any siblings, I did get attached. I knew it was bad, but I really valued our relationship. When I felt the energy shift, I braced myself for disappointment. Although I mourned our friendship, I knew I had to get over it.

Write about something that doesn't get better...

 My mother's death feels as though it will never get better. It's still a fresh wound, but I hate waking up sad everyday. Everybody says the first months are the hardest, but I want this feeling of longing to leave. I long for her to knock on my door again and bother me. When she was here, I didn't talk to her a lot, I didn't live with her, but I will never forgive myself for not being more open to her when I had the chance. Maybe it will get better. Maybe I'll heal with time. 

Write about something that was too small/too big...

 When I first tried my dance uniform on, it was too small. I could barely breathe in it. (I did put it on backwards first, but that doesn't matter). After numerous attempts of trying to make it fit, I watched with a teammate. The uniform I had on fit her perfectly, but hers was too big on me. Then, fitting people came in and began to fix all of our uniforms. Mine took a while because it was huge in me. After a couple of alterations, my uniform fit fine. However, it was still a bit tight... 

Write a thank you letter...

Dear my closest friend, 
Thank you for always being there for me no matter what. You have stuck around through thick and thin. I really appreciate that. No matter what, I can always count on you. I go to you when I am sad, happy, excited, joyful, and even annoyed. You're my safe place and the only person that I can truly, truly be myself around. When we get older, I hope that we continue our friendship. I never want to lose your loyalty or trust.

                                                                                                 Sincerely, Mira 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 Today's class was basically just a mini lesson about hiking. However, it was needed. In the book, Cheryl goes on a long hike in order to think about her life. I personally don't like hiking. Things can get too sweaty, gross, and damp. I just don't like it, nor would I ever try it. I like little walks though. Walking on a small trail or along a creek is nice, even a garden. However, I don't think I could dedicate myself to a full hike. Hiking needs a lot of dedication apparently, and I don't have that for hiking. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Our Introduction

 My group and I have somewhat gotten our lives together. We have finally figured out how to start our introduction. It should be fine now. We were missing a group member, so when she comes back, we should be okay. The main thing we were confused on it was to type. We can't be opinionated or take sides, so we had to use general information. However, we found that a bit challenging from putting any information that didn't feel like it was taking a side. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Group Project 3

I liked what we did today. We got to move around and talk to each other. It was very interactive. I had to think a lot because I had to write down what I knew about certain topics. Some of the topics I never sat down and thought about myself, so I really had to put my thinking cap on. For Sex Education in schools, people mainly thought that it needed to be taught more, and that they need to teach it more in schools. We still have to make our introduction. We know what people know and don't know, so we don't have to put anything that the students already know.

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...