Monday, January 31, 2022

Bad Girls Club

 Today was giving a lost episode of bad girl's club for real. Like... what was in the air that caused all of that. The videos were funny though. Kyla was seen running away in one. She literally two stepped to the side, and it made me laugh a little too hard. I had a test in math today, and I thought I did good. The interest meeting was today as well, and it was fun. I messed up a little bit so like, yeah. I have an appointment in the morning, and then I have to retake a test. I also have dance camp. My week is going to be very busy, but I guess I'll be fine.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 I just feel like school is harder than it's supposed to be. Like, our grades really define us and it's not fair. I just feel life if colleges and schools were to look at our hearts and personalities than it would be a lot easier for people. But no. We're literally put into categories by how good we do on a test woth dumb and complex questions. That's just my opinion though. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 Abigail Adams should have never pressured her son lol. I thought the letter was really a guilt trip because she's just trying to make herself feel better by saying he's going to find advantages and stuff in going on this trip. The tone list is going to be very helpful. I have dance camp and the interest meeting coming up soon, so I'm excited. Dancers get to host the camp, and I'll be doing these like handling money. 

Monday, January 24, 2022


 My day was good. I brought my APES grade up to a 92, and I hope it stays that way. In AP Stats, we took a unit test that I don't think I did that good in. However, I have faith. I do have a 100 in there right now because I do all of my work. I am just not a good test taker. Today I helped to put up flyers for the dance meeting and tryouts. It was okay. The sub was a little awkward, but I resonated with her. It;

Friday, January 21, 2022

Movie Speeches

 Okay, but that movie where the man was yelling at the drummer was crazy. It's really crazy how talented these writers are. They use these rhetorical devices and piece them together to make a story. It's why I want to also major or minor in creative writing along with Marine Sciences. I also want to write fantasy stories in my spare time because it's always been a passion of mine. It's like being a Marine Scientist is my main job and writing books is going to be my fun side hustle lmaoo. I'm looking forward to college.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


 So, my grade in APES is an 86 now. I had brought it up to an 87, but I got a freaking 89 on a quiz and now it dropped to an 86. That's okay though. As long as it's going up. This next FRQ and gizmo should bring it up even more. It's not that I don't understand the material; it's the grade I got on that graph. My speech was good. I didn't have trouble writing it. I've always wondered how famous people wrote good speeches; I guess they were taught the steps in order to make a good one. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Tupac was truly a poet. I've always thought that it was good how he told stories through is songs and brought awareness to certain topics. However, the lesson was Everybody was making jokes about it, and then there was KB with the going to hell. I hate when people comment on things they have no experience with. As someone whose had hands on experience with drug addicts, the way other students was talking about it got under my skin.... 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


So. The way my life is going... I have a 76 in AP Environmental because I didn't answer one question on a worksheet. She gave me a 50 and it brought my grade down to a 76. However, I got a 96 and a 100 on the first two quizzes and a 100 on an assignment. I have time to bring it up. If will go up though. In this class, we've been learning metaphors. This is a very extensive unit. It's kinda cool though to learn new ones. Considering we use them everyday, but we don't know the formal name.

Friday, January 14, 2022


 Today we took our quiz, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did study last night though, so I guess that helped. I got 2 out of the 16 wrong. I think that's a high B. It's not a bad grade to start with. When other grades are put in, it should go up. I'm not too worried because if I start worrying then I'll start freaking out about my grade. In the first two quizzes in AP Environmental, I got a 100 and a 96. I love life and earth sciences. It makes sense considering I want to be a Marine Biologist. The weekend should be good for me because I get to rest and play sims. I like playing sims because I can create my own story lines and stuff. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thesis Writing

 For the bell ringer, we wrote a thesis statement for a rhetorical analysis. We did it on the dream speech, and it wasn't easy. I had to look for more words and synonyms because I couldn't think of any. I'm guessing I have to extend my vocabulary. Luckily, my thesis statement was acceptable. We then read through more examples because some people just couldn't get it... We then worked in groups with the rhetorical devices. My group was nice. I was only a little nervous because I don't really have friends in here. Just kidding. We got up and presented our sentences which wasn't too bad.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Black History

 I find that highlighting things keeps me awake because of all of the colors. I also have found out that I have to study for all of my classes because stuff is getting a little more difficult. I just remembered we have a quiz on Friday... Then I have an APES quiz on Friday as well. Dang. I did this to myself though. I signed up for these AP classes like I'm about that life. Poor me. Oh well. University of Georgia better let me in those doors with these grades, test scores, and work ethic. If I don't get accepted, I'm literally going to cry myself to sleep and pick from one of my backups. Most people apply to colleges that are easy to get into, but I challenged myself by aiming for a college that I know will be the best setting and the best place for my to get my education. Even if it is hard to get in, I'm manifesting. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 Some of the way these words are written can be so misleading. Anyways, the class wasn't bad. I liked how we joked around and still learned at the same time. The class has started out fairly easy, but I know the load is going to pick up soon since we're officially in ap now. I should do good on the ap exam. I'm pretty good when it comes to writing. I also find it enjoyable.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Face to Face

 Today we started learning rhetorical devices. Some we knew, and some we didn't know. We use them all of the time when talking, but we don't know the names of them which is crazy. My day went by fine. My second-period class is filled with seniors, but I don't mind that too much. I just get nervous around people I don't know. I guess you can blame it on my only-childness. I like AP Environmental science though. I'm definitely taking that AP exam, and I think I'll take this class AP exam and not worry about US history or statistics because I know I can pass these two for sure.

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...