Thursday, September 30, 2021

Group Project 2

 Today we had to start coming up with the question page for our essay prompt. It was a little difficult to narrow down the topics, but we did and finally came up with our question at the end. Mia wasn't here today, and she's really good at some of the 'thinking' parts, but we managed. I think tomorrow will be better because all of us will be there. Our topic isn't difficult though. It's a very easy to write about thing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Group Projects

 Group projects aren't my favorite thing in the world. I don't really like them because it can be hard to work with other people. However, I'll suck it up for the sake of my grade. The people I am working with aren't really that bad, so eh, I can manage. The topic we got was sex education in schools. I kind of already thought of a question. Maybe something like "Explain the extent to which Sex Education is important to teach to children in school." It sounds good to me, but I don't know. The project itself is cool though. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I have never thought about how to define explain before...

For today's bell ringer, we had to define different words like explain and infer. I've never thought about how to define those words before, so I had to think about it a little. I was a little discouraged with my grade on the image analysis. The only one I got full points on was the 2021 one with the baby. I was very detailed with that one though. Next time, I'll just try and do a 3 sentence minimum just to be safe. It's not hard, you just have to think.

Monday, September 27, 2021


 The bell ringer today got me thinking.  We really don't have a certain cheating policy. Most students don't cheat because they're afraid of getting a zero, but some don't care. Others are also very slick. When we read and analyzed the sources, I realized how much evidence we can get from just one. I like highlighting the passage and writing in different colors because it helps to keep me awake. Also, I understand it better when it is in different colors. 

Friday, September 24, 2021


The bus riders left early today which was great for then. Also, we aren't going to the game, so that means I get to go home today. I got my results back from my essay, and I did better than I thought. I got a 5/6. That is equivalent to a 90. I've been trying to do better on my grades because I'm at a 94, and I don't want it to drop. The only thing that I messed up on with the essay was the word contemporary. I didn't understand it, so I had examples from slavery and such. Kind of embarrassing... But I'm okay. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Faith vs. Hope

 Today's class was simple. A lot of people left, so we just did the two poems and watched some videos. They were interesting. I kind of feel bad for Emily because she had a tough life, and you can tell in her poems. Her poems have themes about her losing her mind, hope being fleeting, and that success isn't the best thing. I like the class better when it is smaller because we can just chill, it isn't so loud, and the environment is just better.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Funeral in my Brain

 I thought the poem wasn't that creepy, but its obvious Emily had some issues. I wonder if she ever truly got help. In every poem, she seemed to calling out for it. Maybe her being different was her really being ill. I don't know though. Robert Frost seemed to have some childhood issues as well. You can really tell a a lot about a poet due to how and what they write about. Emily just seems, conflicted. Kinda relatable, not gonna lie.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

That essay

 The essay wasn't that bad. I just had to use the bathroom the whole time. I also got the benchmark grade back. It didn't affect my grade as bad as I thought it would. I just have to be careful with my grades from now on. This is my lowest grade, so I want to make sure that it stays above an A. I'm kind of sad that we're moving on from poems. I really liked them, and they were interesting. The only thing I would say I need help with is question comprehension. I read the questions and give my all, but I still end up getting them wrong. I should be fine going forward though. Good night, guys.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Emily Was Very Relatable

 I forced myself to stay awake in class by writing down a lot of notes on my paper. I wrote them in different colors and highlighted all the words I needed to. I only got one hour of sleep... It was either highlight like a maniac or take a 90-minute nap. However, I managed to stay awake. Yay. Emily Dickinson was a kind of relatable poet. I relate to being sad and somewhat love struck. Laugh out loud.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Quiz Day

 The quiz, or test I guess, wasn't that hard. The poems were simple, and I liked them. The one about gold did stump me, though. I think I got one question wrong on that poem. It's all good though. I know I'll get a high enough score. I also have a game today which I'm excited and scared about. Hopefully, I don't mess up and everything goes well.

Thursday, September 16, 2021


The class was decent. I thought reviewing the paragraphs was good and needed. I hope I did good on mine. I mean, I should've. I followed the format and everything. I think I'll do good on the poem test. I find analyzing poems the easiest.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Into the Woods

Analyzing poems aren't that difficult. All you have to do is read between the lines. That could be hard for some people though. Some poems are harder to break down than others. It depends on the writing style of the poet. I think that analyzing a Frost poem by myself wouldn't be that hard. His poems are quite easy to figure out. Maybe it's because I can relate to him and his work. I don't know. Today's class was also kind of funny. Everybody complaining about their grade in APUSH made me chuckle a bit. All they have to do is show him what they're missing and he'll put it in. Everything should be fine.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 The class was a struggle. I didn't fall asleep, but I was a little drowsy. I did understand the poem though. It was about the speaker reminiscing on how he used to swing on Birches. The Birch tree reminds him of his child like xfinity on demand reminds me of mine. I used to watch music videos and shows on there all of the time. I like Robert Frost's poems. They're very dark, but I like that.

Monday, September 13, 2021


 I participated a lot in class today. It was mainly because I really liked and understood the poem. The meaning, to me, was that a child shouldn't be doing adult work because they don't have the focus or capacity to do so. It can have negative impacts on the child. Also, I didn't feel sleepy. Usually, I feel very sleepy in the class. This time I forced myself to participate to stay awake. It was also funny because the poem seemed very lighthearted at first, but then it took a turn and seemed very dark... I love things like that. I'm still worried about my grade though, but I'm gonna hope that is doesn't get affected too much by the benchmark grade. 

Friday, September 10, 2021


 We a simple day in class. I started on my math work since I was done with my test. I hope that I did good on the writing part. Those questions were... questionable. Next time, I should do better. It's not like a did horrible, but I could've done better. I've been watching infinite campus like a hawk in order to see what my grade is going to be like after he puts in the test grade. I still don't know why he would put it in. Standardized tests suck, especially those created by the county. It's always the gifted students should be held to a higher standard. However, we're all still regular kids. Putting that type of pressure on us just because of a simple title doesn't make any sense. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Benchmark 2

 I didn't do too good on it. I checked my grade after I was done, and I got kinda sad. It's only the second month of the class, but I felt as if I should do better. I just hope it doesn't affect my grade too much. Maybe I can somehow bring it after later. The essay question also threw me off as well. I'm just not a good test taker.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 I thought I did pretty good on the questions. I know the benchmark is only to see where we are, so I"m not too worried. I believe it should count as a diagnostic though. I just hope I didn't do too bad on it. I did try my best after all. Standardized tests with prompts like that have never been a good skill of mine only because I the instructions are so strict. We'll see how I do on the essay.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

About that paragraph...

 That paragraph was decent. To be honest, I didn't know what the heck I was talking about. It took me so long to figure out how mistakes help us develop. Of course, I know, but it was hard to get it out. Also, the time limit annoyed me. It is needed though. You can't take an hour to write one paragraph. I think I got at least on 80 on it though. It was a bit shaky, but I had evidence and explained. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day was nice

 On Labor Day, I stayed home and rested. I quit my job, I'm very happy about it, so this was my first day staying home. Since June, I was busy seven days a week. I had no break. I never got to keep any of the money because i had to pay off my dance dues. With the first check I got to keep, I bought a mini fridge. That was great. I also went out with my grandma and bought sodas, fruits, and containers to go in my mini fridge. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Second Game

 I wasn't in class because I'm on the dance team, and we had to travel to Colquitt. It was a long drive. We stopped at Golden Carrol, and I know I ate more than I should've. It was fine though. I couldn't sleep going to the stadium because I was nervous. I didn't make any big mess ups, so that was great. I'm starting to shake my nerves out. I need to if I want to be captain.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Celebrities are in fact... overrated

 Today, we talked about how to write the introduction paragraph to an argumentative essay (or any essay really, I guess). Mind was about celebrities. I said that they are overrated because of pressure, stalkers, and high expectations. This is very true when you look at most celebrities. They're either crying on live about the pressure or taking their lives due to depression. It's sad honestly. I think writing the intro would be easy because I have some type of formula for it. I don't know why, but my mind understands when I have steps on how to do something instead of somebody just telling me to do it. The sex conversation was a little funny, but it was mostly heteronormative. However, I just minded my business and kept my mouth closed on the topic. Knowing I love a good debate.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Thesis statements and stuff

 Today, I learned about different type of thesis statements. I didn't know that there were different types. The two types are umbrella and three point. I've noticed that I use the 3 point one more in essays. I think using the umbrella would be better because I can talk about more in my essays. I think this writing process is getting easier. 

ap stats practice

 We did our essay in the first period and then our free response in third block. I was finished with writing. Luckily, we didn't write t...